17 de febrero de 2012

Bash Script: domain2nmap.sh


En esta entrada se muestra el código fuente del script domain2nmap.sh que recibe un nombre de dominio y utiliza el comando wget, el buscador Bing y/o Shodan para conseguir un listado relacionado con el mismo. Posteriormente realiza un escaneo con Nmap de las IPs que resuelven dichos dominios.

Sintaxis: ./domain2nmap.sh [OPTIONS] URL

Entre las opciones que podemos utilizar se incluye la posibilidad de elegir el motor de búsqueda: wget, Bing, Shoda o All. También podemos elegir entre realizar un escaneo de tipo SYN, ACK, UDP o Ping y guardar el reporte en formato XML, grepeable o normal.

En caso de lanzar el script sin opciones, utilizará todos los métodos de búsqueda para realizar un escaneo ping y guardar el resultado en formato XML.

Código fuente:
# Name:         domain2nmap.sh
# Description:  This script receive a web domain name and obtain a list 
#               of associated domains and their IPs to make differents
#               scans with nmap.
# Author:       BrixtonC
# Date:         15 Feb 2012
# Version:      0.4
# Example:     ./domain2nmap.sh --help
#              ./domain2nmap.sh www.cnn.com
#              ./domain2nmap.sh -r shodan www.cnn.com
#              ./domain2nmap.sh -s A -o normal www.sun.com


function Usage {
# This function show the sintax of script and some examples. This function
# is call by Arguments function or errors.

 echo -e " Sintax:\t$0 [OPTIONS] URL\n"
 echo -e " Options:\t* Search methods (-r)"
 echo -e " \t\t   all:  Search with all methods (default**)"
 echo -e " \t\t   bing: Bing search with IP operator"
 echo -e " \t\t   shodan: Shodan search with hostname operator"
 echo -e " \t\t   wget: Search with wget command"
 echo -e " \t\t* Scan types (-s)"
 echo -e " \t\t   A: ACK scan"
 echo -e " \t\t   P: Ping scan (default**)"
 echo -e " \t\t   S: SYN scan"
 echo -e " \t\t   U: UDP scan"
 echo -e " \t\t* Out types (-o)"
 echo -e " \t\t   grep: Save scan in grepable format"
 echo -e " \t\t   normal: Save scan in normal format"
 echo -e " \t\t   xml: Save scan in xml format (default**)\n"
 echo -e " \t\t** Without options the script it's call with default options\n"
 echo -e " Examples:\t$0 www.cnn.com\n\t\t$0 -s A -o normal www.sun.com"
 echo -e "\t\t$0 -r shodan www.microsoft.com\n\t\t$0 -r wget -s U www.cnn.com\n"
 exit 0


function Arguments() {
# This function check the number of arguments, print error if don't pass
# any argument and define the domain name objetive for Resolv function.

 if [ "$#" == "0" ]; then
   echo -e "[*] ERROR: Valid domain name is required\n"

   if [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then
     local NAME="`echo $@ | awk '{print $NF;}' | sed 's/www\.//'`"
     CheckDomain $NAME



function CheckDomain() {
# This function run ping test to evaluate if the last argument's of script
# is a valid domain name and declarate the variable $DOMAIN. In wrong case,
# show error and exit.

 resolveip $1 > /dev/null

 [ "$?" != "0" ] && echo -e "[*] ERROR: '$1' not is a valid" \
   "domain name" && exit 1 || DOMAIN="`echo $1`"

 echo -e "[+] Domain name: $DOMAIN"


function Options() {
# This function receive all arguments to obtain the scan and output options
# to run nmap command with respective options. In default case, without
# options, run the script with ping scan and xml output format.

 while getopts "r:s:o:" OPTION; do

   case $OPTION in

  if [ "$OPTARG" == "bing" ]; then
    RESOLVTYPE="bing" && RESOLVNAME="Bing search"
  elif [ "$OPTARG" == "wget" ]; then
    RESOLVTYPE="wget" && RESOLVNAME="Wget search"
  elif [ "$OPTARG" == "shodan" ]; then
    RESOLVTYPE="shodan" && RESOLVNAME="Shodan search"
  elif [ "$OPTARG" == "all" ]; then
    RESOLVTYPE="all" && RESOLVNAME="All methods"
  if [ "$OPTARG" == "P" ]; then
    SCANTYPE="-sn" && SCANNAME="Ping scan"
  elif [ "$OPTARG" == "S" ]; then
    SCANTYPE="-sS" && SCANNAME="SYN scan"
  elif [ "$OPTARG" == "A" ]; then
    SCANTYPE="-sA" && SCANNAME="ACK scan"
  elif [ "$OPTARG" == "U" ]; then
    SCANTYPE="-sU" && SCANNAME="UDP scan"

  if [ "$OPTARG" == "xml" ]; then
    OUTTYPE="-oX" && OUTNAME="XML" && OUTEXT="xml"
  elif [ "$OPTARG" == "normal" ]; then
    OUTTYPE="-oN" && OUTNAME="Normal" && OUTEXT="txt"
  elif [ "$OPTARG" == "grep" ]; then
    OUTTYPE="-oG" && OUTNAME="Grep" && OUTEXT="log"



 [ -z "$SCANTYPE" ] && SCANTYPE="-sn" && SCANNAME="Ping scan (default)"
 [ -z "$OUTTYPE" ] && OUTTYPE="-oX" && OUTNAME="XML (default)" && \
 [ -z "$RESOLVTYPE" ] && RESOLVTYPE="all" && RESOLVNAME="All methods (default)"
 echo -e "[+] Search type: $RESOLVNAME"
 echo -e "[+] Scan type: $SCANNAME"
 echo -e "[+] Output type: $OUTNAME"


function Resolv {
# This function decide watch kind of search use: Wget, Bing, Shodan or All.

 if [ "$RESOLVTYPE" == "wget" ]; then
 elif [ "$RESOLVTYPE" == "bing" ]; then
 elif [ "$RESOLVTYPE" == "shodan" ]; then
 grep -v "[0-9]f*" tmp | sort | uniq > domains.lst
 rm -rf tmp


function WgetSearch {
# This function save index Web page of the domain and obtain a list
# of domains relationated with domain target.

 echo -e "[+] Wget search domain: $DOMAIN"

 wget -q $DOMAIN > /dev/null

 grep -oE "http://[a-z0-9\-\.]*\.$DOMAIN" index.html | \
   cut -d "/" -f 3 >> tmp

 rm -rf index.html


function BingSearch {
# This function call Bing IP search to obtain a list of domains
# relationated with domain target.
# This functions is a modification of bing-ip2host script with
# GPLv3 license:
# http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/bing-ip2hosts

 local IP="`resolveip -s $DOMAIN`"
 local PAGE="0"

 echo -e "[+] Bing search IP: $IP"

 while (( "$PAGE" <= "10")); do

     local URL="http://m.bing.com/search/search.aspx?A=webresults&Q=ip%3a$IP&D=Web&SI=$PAGE"

     wget -q -O $IP-$PAGE.html $URL

     grep -oE "[a-z0-9\-\.]*\.$DOMAIN" $IP-$PAGE.html >> tmp
     rm -rf $IP-$PAGE.html

     PAGE="$(($PAGE + 1))"



function ShodanSearch {
# This function run a Shodan hostname search to obtain a list of domains
# relationated with domain target.

 local URL="http://www.shodanhq.com/search?q=hostname%3A$DOMAIN"

 echo -e "[+] Shodan search domain: $DOMAIN"

 wget -q -O index.html $URL > /dev/null

 grep -E "class='hostname'" index.html  | \
          grep -oE "http://[0-9a-z\.\-]*\.$DOMAIN" | \
            cut -d "/" -f 3 >> tmp

 rm -rf index.html


function ResolvDomain {
# This function receive obtained domains names of domain target
# and translate it to their IP address.

 echo -e "[+] Resolving domains"

 for NAMES in $(cat domains.lst); do

   dig $DOMAIN | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}$" >> tmp


 sort tmp | uniq > ipaddress.lst
 rm -rf tmp


function ScanIP {
# This function scan each host obtained with Resolv function throuth
# ipaddress.lst file and save the result in a file with IP and date
# as name.

 echo -e "[+] Scaning address"
 local NAME="${DOMAIN}_$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')"

 nmap $SCANTYPE $OUTTYPE $NAME.$OUTEXT -iL ipaddress.lst > /dev/null

 echo -e "[+] Filename: $NAME.$OUTEXT"



# Run Arguments function with all arguments separated to whitespaces to check
# the number of options and domain value.
Arguments $@

# Run Options function with all arguments to obtain the scan and output options
# to run the script
Options $@

# Run Resolv function with domain name as argument to obtain a list of
# related domains names.

# Now check if exist domain.lst and ipaddress.lst file by use it in
# ResolvDomain and ScanIP functions. In wrong case show a error and run
# function Usage.
# FILE: domains.lst
[ ! -r domains.lst ] && echo "[*] ERROR: Can't read domains.lst file or" \
  "don't exist" && exit 2 || ResolvDomain
# FILE: ipaddress.lst
[ ! -r ipaddress.lst ] && echo -e "[*] ERROR: Can't read ipaddress.lst" \
  "file or don't exist" exit 3 || ScanIP


# Show some exit messages.
echo -e "[+] Exit of script"

# Exit codes.
# 0 -> Succefull exit and function Usage()
# 1 -> No valid domain
# 2 -> Error file domains.lst
# 3 -> Error file ipaddress.lst
exit 0


En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una explicación del mismo así como las pruebas realizadas. Falla cuando Nmap recibe el archivo ipaddress.lst vacío y habría que retocarlo para controlar los fallos. Los comentarios están escritos en Inglés, o Spanglish mejor dicho. Puede haber errores idiomaticos, sintacticos y todos los que encuentres...

La función SearchBing es una modificación del script bing-ip2host de Andrew Horton que se licencia bajo GPLv3 al igual que los contenidos publicados en el blog. Sientete libre de reutilizar o modificar el mismo siempre tengas en cuenta el licenciamiento ; ).

Un saludo, Brixton Cat.

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